Showing posts with label Inside Bhutan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Inside Bhutan. Show all posts

Friday, March 5, 2021

Published March 05, 2021 by Nidup Jamtsho with 0 comment

Digitallay Colorized Photograph of the Tongsa Penlop Ugyen Wangchuk taken by John Claude White in 1905.

 Photograph of the Tongsa Penlop Ugyen Wangchuk taken by John Claude White in 1905. Ugyen Wangchuk was a key player in the politics of Bhutan in the early 20th century. In the 19th century, Bhutan and the British in India had clashed over the control of the duars or passes into eastern India. The hostilities ended when the British and Bhutan signed the Treaty of Sinchula. By the late 19th century, power centered upon the Penlops of Paro and Tongsa.

 The Younghusband Mission of 1904, set up to negotiate with the Tibetans, passed through Bhutan. The Penlop of Paro remained aloof while the Penlop of Tongsa assisted the mission. He accompanied the mission to Tibet and played an important role as mediator, using the long-established ties between Tibet and Bhutan to help the British negotiate a favorable agreement. Bhutan now operated firmly within the British sphere of influence and Ugyen Wangchuk was popular after his role as mediator with both the British and the Bhutanese. This resulted in the foundation of the hereditary monarchy of Bhutan when Ugyen Wangchuk was elected King of Bhutan in 1907.


Credit : Jigme Dendup

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Published March 05, 2021 by Nidup Jamtsho with 1 comment

Zero Active Cases Finally!

 The happiest news of the day: zero active cases for Covid-19 in Bhutan. Prayers for no new cases. 

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Saturday, February 20, 2021

Published February 20, 2021 by Nidup Jamtsho with 0 comment


 Nowhere in the world, exist a king like him, and nowhere in the world, the people are blessed like Bhutanese. We are spared from every difficulty that the rest of the world goes through. All the difficulties and challenges are taken by our selfless king. He is the king who sacrifices everything for his people. 

During the coronation,  His Majesty King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck  said the following lines;

"Throughout my reign, I will never rule you as a King. I will protect you as a parent, care for you as a brother and serve you as a son. I shall give you everything and keep nothing; I shall live such a life as a good human being that you may find it worthy to serve as an example for your children; I have no personal goals other than to fulfill your hopes and aspirations. I shall always serve, day and night, in the spirit of kindness, justice, and equality.” Thank you, Your Majesty, beyond words. 

On the joyous occasion of the 41st birthday of our king, I join the nation to express my unconditional love and respect to His Majesty. I would like to extend my wholehearted sincere prayers for His Majesty's good health and eternal happiness. Long Live Your Majesty.

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Sunday, February 14, 2021

Published February 14, 2021 by Nidup Jamtsho with 0 comment

Celebrating 500 years of Pema Lingpa's Legacy

 Today, the 3rd day of the 1st Lunar month is Pema Lingpa Day. It is the 500th anniversary of Guru Rinpoche’s very own heart son and a great Bhutanese Terton (treasure discoverer) 

The death anniversary of Terton Pema Lingpa had been observed every year on the third day of the first month of the lunar calendar since he passed away in 1521. Last year (2020), for the first time, it is being officially observed as Pema Lingpa day. Pawo Chonying Dorji was the person who proposed to the government to mark the day officially. 

All the Bhutanese should remember our great treasure discoverer and mark the day as an auspicious occasion. 

Happy Pema Lingpa Day! 

Pema Lingpa Khennoh!

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Saturday, February 13, 2021

Published February 13, 2021 by Nidup Jamtsho with 0 comment

Yeshi Lhendup Flims need less than 6000 subscribers to hit 100,000 subscribers

Yeshi Lhendup Flims, the leading music video and entertainment house in Bhutan just need about 5900 subscribers to hit 100,000 to get the silver play button from YouTube. 

The founder and owner, Yeshi Lhendup is an exemplary youth and one of the leading YouTubers in Bhutan. He has had a passion for filmmaking since his college days. Back then in Sherubtse college, Yeshi tried making films along with his college friends for the college film festivals. Yeshi was motivated to venture into filmmaking after the success of the short films he and his friends have produced while in college.  To realize his dream of becoming a filmmaker, Yeshi neither appeared for his RCSC examination nor sat for any job interviews but he was determined to work in creative media to showcase his passion for audiovisual production. Before he began his own business, Yeshi worked for few firms to gain experience. While working for a film production firm MPC Bhutan Entertainment, Yeshi has not only created audio-visual and graphic works but also sang a patriotic song “Miwang Gyalsey” produced by MPC Bhutan Entertainment. The song was dedicated to the birth of The Crown Prince. Yeshi sang the patriotic song along with Cheki Lhamo (aka Lha Dorji) during the 2nd Peling Tshechu in Kuenselphodrang, Thimphu in the presence of Their Majesties The Druk Gyalpo, The Fourth Druk Gyalpo, and members of the Royal family. Yeshi’s first music video was “La Nye Ngam” that he has produced in 2017. He then went on to produce about fifty-seven music videos. Yeshi Lhendup owns his own audio-visual production house by the name of Yeshi Lhendup Films and is well known for producing music videos on Bhutanese songs that we get to see on his YouTube channel. 

Let's help the talented young man to reach 100,000 subscribers on YouTube as soon as possible. 

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Published February 13, 2021 by Nidup Jamtsho with 6 comments

One of the e-Sport (PUBG) stories in Bhutan_from Humans of Thimphu Page

 “8 years ago I fell from a two-story building and cracked open the back of my head. The doctors said that if I got injured again, I would not make it. I had to be extra careful and couldn’t go out to play like the other kids. My father bought me a gaming console to keep me company. I started playing Mario and Pac-man, then Clash of Clans and Mobile Legends. 6 years later, I got into PUBG. My friends and I formed Clans and participated in various tournaments. With time, I got extremely good at it and became fairly popular in the gaming community. This helped get me an invitation from a clan called B2B. They were one of the best ones out there and I was thrilled.

I live to stream my games now. There are usually about 100-200 viewers and if they’re impressed with my gaming, they send money or data packages. Those watching from the US send ‘stars’. Each star translates to 0.01 USD and I received up to 16,000 stars once. If we play well, we are appreciated. The Bhutanese community also organizes tournaments with prizes ranging from 15,000 to 30,000 ngultrum. My friends and I have applied for an international tournament called ‘PMCO’ and we train constantly. If we can position in the top 32, we will get the opportunity to travel and also to win attractive cash prizes. Gaming, for me, is so much more than just a hobby. I enjoy it a lot and also make an income from it. I try to balance my studies and gaming so my parents also understand and support me. With time, it could be possible to earn a living through gaming. It is important to keep improving gaming skills and take on live streaming. 

I haven’t played a physical sport since I got injured. When I see others playing, I miss it but I am embarrassed because I am no longer competent in those fields. I don’t socialize much either. But I have made some wonderful friends in the gaming community and am known as the B2B Giant in my gaming world. Despite all the limitations, I have been able to find my place. Everyone should follow their passion and do whatever makes them happy.”

#HumansofThimphu #HumanStories #Thimphu #Gamer

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Friday, February 12, 2021

Published February 12, 2021 by Nidup Jamtsho with 0 comment

Penzogyem (Pelzom Gyem) Drupchu, the holy water of Pelzom Gyem

 Penzogyem Drupchu (also called Pelzom Gyem Drupchu ) is 16 km towards Thimphu from Wangdue. It's at Thrinleygang in Punakha Dzongkhang. 

One of my friends (Kinzang Chogyal ) and I visited the site coinciding with Losar, the new year in the lunar calendar. We heard about the site from a taxi driver when he drove us to our new home. 

We planned to visit and fetch some holy water. As we journeyed towards the site we expected someone to be there to give us some details about the site. 

We reached there, fetched the holy water, washed up, met people, and collected the trashes that littered the site. An hour passed, many people visited but no one could tell us the detail about the site. 

Now we are planning to ask some local people and hear from them. We are looking forward to hearing the most accurate story of the site. We will also put up a small poster of the story as a reference for the visitors. 

Please comment, if you know more about the site. Share to reach more people. 

Watch our Vlog below: 

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Thursday, February 11, 2021

Published February 11, 2021 by Nidup Jamtsho with 1 comment

Happy Losar Everyone!

Losar, meaning New Year in Tibetan and Dzongkha. It is the first day of the first month of the Lunar calendar. Tomorrow, 12th February 2021, marks the first day of the first month of the Female Iron-Ox Year, 2021 in the lunar calendar.

May this year be blessed 

May this year be prosperous 

May this year be a happy year 

Happy Losar to all the readers! 

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Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Published February 10, 2021 by Nidup Jamtsho with 5 comments

Her Majesty the Queen, Azhi Jetsun Pema Wangchuck sends gifts to actor Chencho Dorji and actor Tandin Sonam

Her Majesty the Queen, Azhi, Jetsun Pema Wangchuck sent gifts with special notes to actor Chencho Dorji and actor Tandin Sonam.

Azhi thanked actor Chencho for his service for the king and country in a special note. Her majesty also wished Chencho and his family a Happy Losar. 

Queen conveyed His Majesty's acknowledgments and her appreciation for Tandin Sonam's recent tribute song 'Kupar'.

We are always blessed to be citizens of our monarch. Every single citizen is taken care of by our king and queen. Thank you beyond words, our king and queen. 


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Thursday, February 4, 2021

Published February 04, 2021 by Nidup Jamtsho with 3 comments

Royal Kashos on Civil Service Reform and Education Reform


1.Royal Kasho on Civil Service Reform

2.Royal Kasho on Education Reform

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Friday, January 29, 2021

Published January 29, 2021 by Nidup Jamtsho with 0 comment

Prime Minister of Bhutan to be among the first to take vaccine for Covid-19 in the country

On 20th January 2021, Bhutan received 150,000 (one fifty thousand) doses of the Covishield vaccine from India. Bhutan was the first country to receive the gift. The Indian Ambassador to Bhutan, Ruchira Kamboj handed over the same to the government of Bhutan.

The Prime Minister of Bhutan, Dasho Dr. Lotay Tshering will be among the first persons to take the vaccine for Covid-19 in the country. He shared about it during the casual Facebook live session, on 28th January 2021, the Prime Minister responded to various questions about the Covid-19 Vaccine, put up by the people. PM said “I will take the vaccine for my protection. If there are no benefits of taking the vaccine, will I still go on and take the vaccine just to convince the public? No, I will not,” he said. “I will not mislead the nation. It is not a political game or to show others how courageous I am. I’m a professional and I know the vaccine has a high level of protection, which is why I’ll take the jab, 100 percent.” He added that he cannot comment on behalf of the rest of the cabinet members for taking the vaccine to boost public confidence. PM reasoned out that the decision to take the vaccine is voluntary.


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